The Print Museum

This is a
book of love from a deft and disciplined poet at the height of her powers, a
worthy winner of the East Anglian Book Awards. Williamson’s beautiful, tender
journey through the thins and leads of print is a journey with her father, a
retired printer, and the result of her three-year residency at the John Jarrold
Printing Museum, in Norwich. It tells history like a string of beads,
industrial, personal, familial, universal and human and memory like a glaze, a
sieve, a mirror.
The span
(another printing term), of Williamson’s writing is deceptive. We can be in a small space with a crowd of
letters but inked through is an entire history, or an idea, which is so simple
but so right and so well put, it is perfect.
I can get ridiculously excited about the conjunction of words – boring
everyone I know by repeating the brilliant simplicity of Shakespeare’s ‘the
hollow crown,’ a complete embodiment of kingship when death and betrayal was
easy – but Williamson does this too. She
is questioning, philosophical, existential, gently mischievous, tender,
experimental, sensuous, and so, so smart.
‘They say
the weight of a full Kindle/is as slight as the weight of a man’s soul,
That the
substance of a Tweet/decays in just three hours:/Do words weigh less in
cyberspace? (Furniture)…
There are
fantastic first lines:
‘He tended
that machine like his own sorrow.’
‘My mother
had two mouths./ One was for saying./The other was for not saying.’
I can’t
recommend this collection more highly.
It will enhance your reading life.
The Print Museum, Heidi Williamson,
Bloodaxe Books, 2016

To me, as a
reader, I found the prose poems, the accounts of things that happened at home,
compelling, like The Piano Lesson –
(refused by Daddy), Lent and Rain.
This is a world of slights, longings and cruelties, darkness and
difficulty, spiky, complex relationships, and acts, however small, of a
rebellion and resilience. There are
wonderful images, ‘Her mother darns the window.’ - ‘Like a baby dandled on the knee of the
sea.’ And lines that completely twine the natural world, the local, regional,
recognizable world into the being of the characters that populate this
collection – ‘you send your snaggle fingers down/into Breckland’s thin
soil/snare rabbits in the net of your tresses.’ (From the Same Cloth).
This is an
intriguing book, myth and miasma, real and sobering, as if the writer is still
puzzling it all out. A great read.
Bird Sisters, Julia Webb, Nine Arches
Press, 2016.
Reviews by Belona Greenwood, founder and co-organiser of Words and Women. A former journalist she took an MA in Scriptwriting at the University of East Anglia and writes plays for adults and children, produced and performed both regionally and nationally. She is co-director of Chalk Circle Theatre Company. In 2009 she was a winner of the Decibel Penguin Prize for Life Writing, and she has won an Escalator award to write a book of creative non-fiction. She teaches adults and children.
Reviews by Belona Greenwood, founder and co-organiser of Words and Women. A former journalist she took an MA in Scriptwriting at the University of East Anglia and writes plays for adults and children, produced and performed both regionally and nationally. She is co-director of Chalk Circle Theatre Company. In 2009 she was a winner of the Decibel Penguin Prize for Life Writing, and she has won an Escalator award to write a book of creative non-fiction. She teaches adults and children.