writers entered this open competition, hoping to win paid time to develop their
proposal for inclusion in Words And Women’s second anthology of writing and to
perform an extract of their work on International Women’s Day in the Fusion
Digital Gallery, Norwich, March 2015.
proposals featured swimmers, vagrants,
mothers, clubbers, writers, prostitutes, teenagers, witches, a composer,
a lepidopterist, an ecologist, even a station mistress. Many concentrated on
historical figures. The most popular locations were Norwich and Cambridge. The
coast featured heavily and The Broads. The difficulty of living in isolated
small communities was a frequent theme.
judges found it extremely difficult to select their four winners and twelve
commended writers. Most of the entries had been developed with great care and
imagination. On occasion we had to consult our funder Arts Council England for
provide more information about the judges and the judging process at the end of
this feature. But first we’d like to profile our wonderful winners and also the
twelve commended who have each won a place on a special workshop called The Tough
Room taught by one of our mentors and judges the poet Hannah Jane Walker.
four winners are:

piece, ‘Trouble and Strife’, will explore the vital, but often unknown, work of
the Hertfordshire railway women of World War Two. In the face of grueling
manual work, frequent prejudice and nightly bombing attacks women worked to
maintain our railway lines, not only keeping the country moving but changing
the world of women’s work forever. From train sets to train drivers - the
railway is a man’s world…until war comes.
Ferrari worked in the South of France and California before gaining a Master’s
degree in French Literature. She then went to work at the British Film
Institute, where she worked in the Television Unit, taking a particular
interest in popular drama and soap opera. From there she went to the BBC as a
Script Editor and subsequently began her career as a full time writer.

proposal is based on a real woman called Jane Sellars, who was sentenced to hang
in Norwich in 1631. Looking at
research around issues of vagrancy at the time, she would like to give Jane a
voice, and tell her story.
in Norwich, Tess studied history at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Her research focused on les femmes tondues – French women punished after the Liberation for
collaborating with Germans in the Second World War. During her studies, Tess
wrote non-fiction articles for student publications, and her short story ‘The
Stitches’ was published in a student anthology. She has worked as a freelance
journalist and previously gained experience at the New York Times in Paris,
Ralph Appelbaum Associates in New York and Thomson Reuters in London.Tess’s proposal, ‘Beyond the Britannia Barracks’, will explore the story of Anguish, a nineteen-year-old prostitute repeatedly detained at the Norwich prison on Plumstead Road in the 1880s. Based on archival research, the life of Anguish will be written into a fictional monologue. Voices of her cellmates – arsonists, thieves, drunkards and child abusers – will permeate the script, weaving together prison storylines. From pavements to courts and cells, the plethora of characters at Plumstead Road epitomised lives of countless impoverished women living in the East of Victoria’s Britain.
The judges
for ‘About’ were Lynne Bryan and Belona Greenwood (the organisers of
Words And Women ), theatre director
Adina Levay, performance poet Hannah Jane Walker, and Professor Andrew Cowan,
Director of Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia.
Writers were asked to
submit a proposal, their CV and a sample of their writing, no more than 5 pages
long. They were asked to choose which category they’d like their work to be
judged under: 1. For writers who have
publishing and/or live performance success, 2. For writers of significant merit
but currently unpublished/unperformed, 3. For writers aged 16 – 21.
Many entries were
received for Category 1 and 2, far less for Category 3. It soon became apparent
that some writers felt unable to decide without Words & Women’s help
whether their CV placed them in Category 1 or 2 . Eventually a rule evolved
where writers with some small success eg. publications on-line or in an
anthology, competition placings, the performance of a short play etc sat better
in Category 2 rather than 1.
The first stage of
judging was conducted by Words And Women and concentrated on the proposals. Was
the proposal strong enough? Was it
well-written? Was it clear what the writer was hoping to achieve? Were there
sufficient links between character and place? Was the character interesting?
Was their journey interesting? Why did a particular place matter to them? Was
the place interesting? The judges were looking for clarity and difference. Also
the proposal had to feel like it was important to the writer; that this was a
story the writer really wanted to tell.
All four winning
writers will be mentored by Words And Women, Adina Levay and Hannah Walker
at workshops which will take place in Norwich in October and November 2014 and
February 2015.

There will be regular updates about ‘About’ on this blog.
We’d like to thank all the women who entered the competition, and also
our partners: Arts Council England, The Writers Centre Norwich, Unthank Books
and The Forum, Norwich.
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