There are a
number of responses to this question.
Words And Women developed organically from a public reading on International
Women’s Day, March 2011. The
audience was a mixture of men, women and children; the readers were all
women. Women writers reading
together had appeal; the work was exciting, contemporary and well-received. We
discovered a desire for women to come together to support and celebrate their
work, and this positive development has encouraged us to continue creating
similar opportunities. Showcasing and facilitating women’s writing doesn’t deny
the work of others, it adds to our common cultural wealth.
There is a
long history of women-only organisations providing space and opportunity for
women, such as the Women’s Institute founded in Canada in 1897 or the National
Women’s Register which has a network of over 400 groups across the UK, and
these are firmly embedded in our culture and widely accepted.
There is
also a tradition of competitions, awards and anthologies which have a specific
focus whether age, geographical location and sometimes health, as well as
Our view is
that our organisation which seeks to support and celebrate women’s creativity
forms part of these traditions.
Mary Ann
Evans, writing in the middle of the 19th century, had to change her
name to George Eliot in order for her work to be taken seriously. The Bronte sisters adopted the
pseudonym of the Bell Brothers fearing their novels would be looked on with
prejudice if they used their own names, and it is not unusual today for women
authors to mask their gender in order for their books to be more widely read, a
euphemism for read by men. City of
Dark Magic sports the name Magnus Flyte on its cover but its authors are female
(Christina Lynch and Meg Howrey).
J.K. Rowling was encouraged to use initials for Harry Potter so the
books would appeal to boys as well as girls. Academic research indicates that men tend to favour male
authors over women. 150 years
after the Brontes and prejudice is still on the bookshelf.

Words And Women seeks to create not only an ethos of
support and encouragement but to provide where possible opportunities to create
and showcase the best of new writing by women in the East of England.
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