Young Women’s Reading Event in the Norfolk And Norwich Millennium Library on
the 8th March was very successful despite a few microphone-height
hiccups. The quality of the
readings was very strong and Matilda Pine played and sang with verve and
originality. Charlotte Creed, the library’s Community Development Worker for
young people aged 13-19 wrote in her evaluation of the ‘astounding’ quality of
the entries. The event attracted
an audience of around 50. The
young women performed with confidence and what they said was thought-provoking,
emotive and brave.
the writing had its strengths and there was a particular energy, style and
excitement about it all.
the organisers, applaud all the girls who took part.
to Charlotte Creed and Gwen Parker at the Norfolk and Norwich Millennium
Library, Hayley Ross and Danny the librarian at The Hewett School, Matilda Pine
and all the girls. And thank you
too to Jarrolds for the book token and to Hodder & Stoughton for donating hardback
copies of Jenn Ashworth’s The Friday Gospels which we were able to give to all of
the girls who took part.